What's your favorite of my fanfics?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


really need to update this, but I've been too damn busy...ugh...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Addition to Tasklist

~Brainstorm ideas for, Plan, Outline, Write, etc. my Writer's-Block-Ending story, Daring-Do and the Search for Fucks to Give

See the full tasklist on my FIMFiction account.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thoughts on Unlike Herself

(Copypasta'd from my FiMFiction)

I've been thinking about Unlike Herself a lot lately, and it's mostly been about my concerns about it.

For one, I know that this story easily could - perhaps should - be much longer, particularly in and around the part where (Spoiler) Pinkie Pie is in that coma, as well as the parts just before/after that (End Spoiler). However, I keep finding myself reluctant to extend the story even more than I already have, primarily because from the start I've intended it to be a short story. Also, I feel that I've already extended it a lot, which I have - by about 5k words, to be exact (it was approx. 1,200 words when I first submitted the story).

Additionally, even though this story is by far my best-written, I still feel that it could be improved, but there's a problem: I don't know where (mostly), but even moreso, I don't know how.

It's just... bugging me.

Honestly, I would like to stress something: I need feedback from you guys, because I'm fairly certain that at least the majority of my concerns are just tricks that my conscience is playing on me. And preferably more than just "I like it" or "it's good", because even though I undoubtedly love compliments, things such as those - as well as something along the lines of "it's a piece of shit" - I can't build off of to improve the story further.

Please and thank you all.

Love and tolerance,
Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fourth Draft of Unlike Herself Published

I've published the fourth draft of Unlike Herself, simply because I don't know what else I can change/fix. I'll still likely go through it some more with my editor and proof readers before I consider resubmitting it to EqD, but I feel that we're nearing that point. I've almost doubled the word count of the story since the last submission, and I've improved the story as a whole greatly. And even still, I'm astonished that I've come this far with this story - a story that I only started because I had had insomnia.

~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

EDIT: As usual, you can get to the story by its respective link via the 'Fanfictions' tab on the toolbar above.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Third Draft of Unlike Herself Published

I've published the third draft of Unlike Herself, which includes a plot change/addition that helps to better explain RD's resulting depression from the 'incident'. I've also worked with my editor and made a lot of changes to clean up the tenses. You can get to the story through its respective link via the 'Fanfictions' tab on the navigation toolbar above.
~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Monday, April 23, 2012

Second Draft of Unlike Herself Published

I have decided to publish my second draft of Unlike Herself, because I have made a large number of equally-large changes to the structure and format of the story as a whole. The biggest thing is that those changes include everything pointed out by the EqD pre-reader from my first submission, and then some. After maybe another week or so of going over it with my proof readers it should be ready to submit again!

By the way, feel free to contact me if you find any typos. ^^


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Season Finale

That season finale was so epic that it gave me a wingboner.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Current Tasklist

In no particular order (though it seems that I've instinctively ordered it by 'importance', I guess):

~Work with my proofreaders to get Unlike Herself ready for my second Equestria Daily submission. (In case you're wondering, the pre-reader told me that I had a really good first draft, but that it wasn't quite ready, which is as clear as day given the examples from the story that he/she provided in the response email. I ain't telling you guys any more about it, though, other than that I'm continuing to make my story better. =D)

~Convert the Mane Story of Unlike Herself to Rainbow Dash's POV, like the prologue.

~Proofread the unpublished chapters of Poeni: An Ancient Breed.

~Type up what I have written in my draft-notebook for Poeni: An Ancient Breed.

~Write more chapters for Poeni: An Ancient Breed in my draft-notebook.

~Somehow, some way, figure out how to fittingly include the line "I really love your apples, [I] want to shake your tree" in a story, even if it's only for the Steve Miller Band reference.
          ---Update: I've managed to fit it in in the epilogue of Unlike Herself, but it isn't going to be published yet;
               I'm still working on it all.

~Work with Johnfreemanwepon on battle tactics for From Allies to Enemies: The Best Medicine for an Abrupt Invasion (FAtE).

~Wait for Talen to get over his writer's block and then for MusicSlave to recover the motivation that she lost from waiting so we can start the semi-crossover with A New Life.

~Eventually do something with A Golden Flame.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thread Gallery needs to be updated...

Iiiiiiii better get started...

Unlike Herself Update

I'VE FINALLY GOT IT OVER 2500 WORDS!!! All that now stands between it and Equestria Daily is some proofreading, so if you'd like to go all Grammar-Nazi on it, the Google Doc of the story is here.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Poeni: An Ancient Breed has been published do to my lack of patience

The title says it all, though I am still taking my dear sweet time with it. Also, Chapter 2 set a new personal best for me, as it has 3010 WORDS!!! :flutteryay: Also, WingWind is just about finished with my Briar Rose OC request, and I'm going to be using it as the cover art for the story once it is! Let me say this: IT. IS. EPICNESS. INCARNATE. Anyway, go check out both the story, AND WingWind over on his deviantArt!
~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Those of you who are here to help proofread my unpublished story -- Poeni: An Ancient Breed -- there are several things that I would like you to do:
--Follow this blog. That way you can easily be informed of any updates.
--Post in the comments section of this your FIMFiction username (or whatever else would help me familiarize myself with you individually), as well as the username that you are following this blog with.
--Aaaand that's about it, I guess.

Chapter 3

I just finished writing Chapter 3. Honestly, I feel that this story isn't going to be as long as I thought it would end up being, particularly after I discovered that two of the ingredients in the story -- cinnamon and cassia -- are both from the same genus --  Cinnamomum verum and  C. aromaticum, respectively -- which makes me believe that they would be found in the same place in the story. -shrugs-. Oh well. I guess that I'll have to try to throw in a twist somewhere, somehow. Oh, and I'm STILL LOOKING FOR MORE PROOFREADERS, btw. ^^
~~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New personal milestone!

GREAT SCOTT!!! I just finished writing Chapter 2 of Poeni: An Ancient Breed (it's 11:25 PM -- too late for link), and -- at least for now -- it is my FIRST CHAPTER TO BE MORE THAN 2000 WORDS! And that's out of ALL of my stories!!! And I do have a bit of leeway for when I do get some PROOFREADERS, as the official total is 2092 words! I feel so accomplished!!!
~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Briar Rose Design

Okay, so the other day I made a request to WingWind on deviantArt to design Briar Rose, as he is in Poeni: An Ancient Breed, and he has already gotten his first draft to me, and it's already amazing! He already did the cutie mark, too, which nearly turned me on, it was THAT good. I'll get back to y'all with more later. Also, I apologize for the lack of links, but I'm posting this from my iPad. ~~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

EDIT: Okay, I've now set up a desktop/laptop get-up in my room now, so I can give you the links that I would have put above:
WingWind: His deviantArt page
Poeni: An Ancient Breed: Link to the story

You're welcome.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Poeni: An Ancient Breed

I've started a new story, but this one is much different from my others, for several reasons:
  • I'm making an outline of each chapter, so I know what I want to take place plot-wise during each one.
  • I don't want to publish it until it is finished. That way, I feel that I could get many more views, and possibly even get featured.
  • I actually do know where I'm going with this story for once, and thus it will have a beginning, middle and end. Yes, an end! That's almost unheard of in terms of my stories!
  • I plan on adding much more detail in this story than my other stories.
  • There's a fair chance that I'll end up submitting this story to Equestria Daily after completion. Enough said.
  • I'm actually looking for a shitload of proofreaders to look through each chapter, which is probably the determining factor for why I'm even writing anything here at all! If you are interested, simply go to the tab above for the story, click the provided link, and type in 'briarrose' into the password section.
~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Monday, March 19, 2012

'A New Life' Coverart

I've decided to try to put together a cover for A New Life, and it would help if I had a good variety of Vinyl Scratch vectors to choose from (I just want the cover to be her and my OC). If any of you happen to have Vinyl Scratch vectors, or even maybe some OC vector templates, I would love the help! ^^

~~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Google Analytics Implemented

Okay, so I've just implemented Google Analytics into the HTML codes and such, made sure that none of my pageviews count towards the site's activity, on each of the several different browsers I have, and...yeah. =D I'm waiting...okay, that's too creepy, but then again, I am...and I should probably stop typing now. <(^,^)^

~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Unlike Herself? EqD?

Okay, so, I was thinking that I could consider submitting Unlike Herself to Equestria Daily, but before I even think about submitting it, there's some things I'd need to do to the story:
  • First, it doesn't even meet the length requirement yet. As it currently stands, the story is at 1093 words, whereas the minimum requirement for EqD submission is "~2500+" words. Thus, if I would at some point like to submit my story to EqD, I'll need to more than double the story in length.
  • Also, I'm going to need some proofreaders and editors to go over the story -- the more the merrier!
  • If anyone happens to be interested in being a proofreader and/or editor, please let me know!
~~Brendan Kirk "Da Beejees" Julian

Spread the word!

If you like my stories, tell your friends about them! It's always nice to have a lot of views! Well, except if it's something embarrassing, but this isn't! So you gotta shaaare~~ You gotta caaare~~...